An argument over who should be the master of the ceremony at a little boy’s Quranic graduation in Ijebu town, Ogun state, has escalated after the event planners had promised to pay huge money to the would-be MC.
Fight broke out as the Muslim clerics couldn’t peacefully appoint someone from their midst to handle the ceremony as everyone wanted to take a part considering the handsome reward involve.
The Muslim clerics were said to have started a fight after they couldn’t reach an agreement. Revealing details of the incident on Instagram, @bababayo wrote:
“I was in Ijebu Town yesterday for a waleemat, you won’t believe it didn’t hold because the Muslim clerics fought over who should do the MC of the day…I found out the MC will make a lot of money and that’s why everyone wants to be in the position.
They broke bottles, flung chairs and left the graduating boy crying…So bad of them, and I hope the Muslim association should call the so-called Alfa to notice.”