“Jumia Delivery Man’s Murder: The Suspects And JUMIA’s Silence”


Firstly, I’m a big fan of people who earn legit money, people who are all about what they do & that’s why I’m quite sad at the development.
Haven seen the video of the suspects, my take is the guy that ordered the phone is a cultist & this isn’t the first time he’s killed people. The guy is a hardened criminal that needs the toughest hands to handle him. I think he is only trying to implicate the other suspect. The guy who ordered the phone was actually just coming up with stories on how to implicate the guy on-the-spot. That was clearly evident. While he may not have killed the dispatch rider alone, he had a girlfriend who could have pulled the trigger on him. Just thinking out loud.

The only part that got me wondering was what the other guy “being implicated” was looking for in his bathroom. He met it opened maybe? Not totally alienating anyone from the crime but yeah, just offering a perspective different to yours too. Proper investigation needs to be done.

As for Jumia, the one I know doesn’t slack on PR & reputation matters. Why this is taking so much time is unfounded! I mean it’s a human! The constant mention of Jumia in the headlines & videos alone should make them do a press release & show some form of empathy already but…well. Sincerely, it goes a long way in showing how much of employees’ welfare is important to Nigerian employers. The story has to change!

I pray and hope the family of the deceased has the fortitude to bear the loss as this is indeed a very sad development. It’s sickening! Finally, as we go in search of our daily bread, may we not be the “food” that murderers feast on. Fear God!

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