These days, many people have jobs that require them to stare at computer screens for hours on end. This can put a strain on the eyes thereby resulting in reduced work performance and productivity. Fortunately, it is easy to treat, all it takes is a few simple changes to your workspace.
Cut the glare: Change the lighting around you to reduce the effect on your computer screen. If light from a nearby window casts a glare, move your monitor and close the shades. Ask your employer to install a dimmer switch for the overhead fixtures if they’re too bright, or buy a desk lamp with a moveable shade that casts light evenly over your desk. You can also add a glare filter to your monitor.
Rearrange your desk: The best position for your monitor is slightly below eye level, about 20 to 28 inches away from your face. You shouldn’t have to stretch your neck or strain your eyes to see what’s on the screen. Place any printed material you’re working from on a stand beside your monitor. That way, you won’t have to look up at the screen and back down at the desk while you type.
Give your eyes a break: Follow the 20-20-20 rule. Look away from the screen every 20 minutes or so and look at something around 20 feet away for about 20 seconds. Blink often to keep your eyes moist. If they feel dry, try some eye drops.
Tweak your settings: You don’t have to live with the factory-installed settings if you’re uncomfortable with it. Adjust the brightness, contrast, and font size until you find what’s best for you.
Try computer glasses: Unlike everyday eyewear, computer glasses are designed specifically for looking at computer screens.
Visit your Optometrist regularly for exams: Let him know about any problems you have. You may need glasses or contact lenses. Your optometrist decides if you can wear your regular glasses for computer work or if you need a special pair. He might prescribe a single or bifocal lens or tinted lens material to boost contrast and filter out glare.