EKEDC tops TCN, DISCOS ranking for July 2019


The Eko Electricity Distribution Company (EKEDC) has ranked first in the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) & Distribution Companies (DISCO) ranking for July 2019.
The ranking done by the Nigerian Electricity Management Services Agency (NEMSA) had Nigeria’s largest DISCO, EKEDC rated first amongst the 11 distribution companies and TCN. It is the fourth time the company will be ranked first this year having come out tops in February March and April.

There was no death recorded in the company, no major injuries recorded and no accidents with death. There were 22 cases of bad network recovered by the company in the month and 24 structures under right of way destroyed.

A reporting compliance score of 4 was also given to the EKEDC. The company came second in the compliance record for disconnection of structures under right of way for the month analysed.

The overall number of fatalities recorded for the month was 40, with 20 major injuries recorded while number of bad networks resolved were 30. The number of structures removed under right of way was 5 for the month.

Discos have also been enjoined to intensify efforts at:
(i) revamping/calibrating their protection schemes & equipment.

Operators of the Power Sector have achieved;
i)Zero target for Electrocutions & Injuries nationwide.
ii)educating the general public on the need for extreme caution with using electricity!
iii) rectifying defective networks to prevent electrical accidents and reduce technical losses.

iv)Educating the general public on the need for extreme caution with using electricity.

NEMSA also advises that members of the public;

*Do not build structures or carry out activities under power lines
*Avoid contact with electric poles, Tv antenna poles, conductors and other electrical equipment installed in the open.
*Avoid staying under trees with conductors running over such trees.
*Avoid climbing masts constructed close to power lines.
*Avoid power cables and metallic objects.
*Wear rubber sole shoes always when on wet grounds.
*Report any fallen electric poles or conductors to the nearest electricity
utility company or to NEMSA office nearest to you. Do not attempt to touch these.

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