A “shrapnel filled-device’ has exploded on Metro Network in the city of St Petersburg, Russia leading to the death of 10 while 50 people have been confirmed injured. According to reports on New Telegraph, the incident happened today, Monday, April 3 when President Vladimir Putin was supposed to be visiting the city.
CNN reports that the unidentified explosive device was suspected to have planted in a briefcase by a man who later changed carriage blowing off the carriage door. President Putin was scheduled to meet his Belarusian counterpart Lukashenko and has expressed condolence to families of the deceased and those who were injured.
The incident has been described as a terrorist attack and is suspected to be due to Russia’s intervention in the Syrian conflict.

Deepest sympathy to those affected by the #StPetersburg metro explosion, their loved ones and the Russian people.

BREAKING: Reports of an explosion at a metro station in Saint Petersburg #Russia – @WarfareWW