This struggle and battle must be fought on all fronts 24/7 and by all Biafrans regardless of your social media experience.
The Nigeria State is trembling and pumping all its resources to influence world media and opinion writers everyday and everywhere against Biafra.
Do you think that they did not bargain with the French Ambassador and his British counterpart to use every strategic opportunity to throw their weight behind the fraudulent Nigeria Unity and to send a demoralizing signal to our people and our quest? Of course that is what they did! Expect more of it.
Every war or conflict has a psychological front upon which whoever gets the upper hand gets the final victory.
The world knows we are fighting a just and right cause but it is us that must step up to the plate and show resolutely our radicalism and unwavering passionate commitment to our quest for Biafra.
These are  the days of digital media. Link your blogs to Google+, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram  etc. Everyday we must pile the pressure ceaselessly and fearlessly with intelligent posts and comments.
We are the ones to tell our story. We must let the world hear our anguish and tears. We must tell of the oppression and wickedness of the Nigerian State to Biafraland and to Biafrans. Every one is a story teller!
We must not be lazy to read the posts written by others no matter how long it is knowing that we need to arm ourselves with every information be it historical or cultural as well as prophetic counsels.
We must not just read and like the posts. We must as a matter of discipline and commitment leave a comment on every Biafran related posts. This is very strategic as well as sharing the posts or where there is no share button, copy and paste the post on your timeline with proper credits to the writer.
Umunnem na Umunnam, Umuibe na Umuafo Biafra, we are agents now in place to rattle and shake every foundation there is in this world for our State of Biafra to be restored. We must not slumber and we must never faint. Visit Radio Biafra London website as well as BiafraHerald, BiafraTelegraph, BiafraPost and share the articles therein.
Every nation on earth except Britain was at one time or the other colonized but certain men and women were stirred and rose up to demand the status quo to cease and be terminated. The United States of America was once colonized by Britain but there arose men and women called Patriots who championed the self determination and freedom of what is now a world Superpower!
We must boldly declare that we are Biafran Patriots and we stand boldly according to universally accepted rights to self determination to raise our voices to the ends of the earth to reclaim our heritage and homeland and to chart the course of our own destiny by ourselves free from colonial bonds and forced amalgamation.
Your voice and my voice must be heard. Our leader #NnamdiKanu expects nothing less or more than this from all Biafrans.
No comment, no voice, no likes on the posts is insignificant. Every effort that we put drives our quest closer and closer till the entire social and global media is flooded with our story of pain and anguish and of man’s injustice to man.
Let the world hear, see and know of the concealed genocide of Biafrans between 1967 – 1970 which was carried out by Britain and Nigeria. Flood everywhere with the gory images that the wicked and diabolical British Empire used its influence to conceal and blot out from historical archives of the world.
We shall enforce our rights and liberties and no man or State dare prevent or prevail against us!
Once again, like every Biafran posts, comment on them clearly no matter how few your words are but let the world record it until Facebook, Google and Twitter and every search engine is flooded with Biafra searches.
Sacrifice at least one hour each day for the cause of Biafra. That should be the least any one can do!
We are here and Biafra we shall restore under these heavens!
Every Biafran everywhere on the face of this earth wants to return home to nowhere but Biafra! Biafra is the land of our nativity. It is our only safe haven in this unpredictable and horribly unfolding world!
O si ya amaghi, a gwa zuo ya!
May GOD bless #Biafra and all those who love her forever!
Under Solemn Oath
Shi ya nje!
DrPatrice Yehuda