Apostle Suleman’s formulae for a successful spiritual life


‘We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them’ (Romans 12; 6)

We all have gifts and grace and they are varied and different. That was the basis upon which the recent teachings by the servant of God and senior pastor at Omega Fire Ministries (OFM) worldwide, Apostle (Prof.) Johnson Suleman, are based. According to the firebrand preacher, God usually chooses to use impossible feats when it will cause others to know He is God, and it will bring Him glory. It’s not an ego thing; it’s a miraculous, truly amazing act of grace. God has nothing to prove. No one can defeat it; no one can explain it, no one can contain it. From the teachings some of which are presented here, it is indicated that too many people are living a life that is not theirs; meaning that many live their lives according to what others think is best for them.

Don’t Be In A Hurry To Be Like Others
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are. This life is transient; never use people’s life as your standard. That is why when I see people in competition with others; I’m really worried because all of these things have lost values. Don’t be in competition with people. Don’t desire to be what people are in the public because you don’t know what they did in secret. There are many superstars you see all over the place, they have cars, they have buildings and they have everything but they have entered some covenant that you can’t enter. There are some people that have what you don’t have; you cannot do what they have done. It is an error to make a human being your standard. What God created the first day was not what He created the second day. What He created the second day was not what He created the third day. What He created the fifth day was not what He created the sixth day. Some people are in front of you because they are in their sixth day and you are still in your first day. Don’t be in a hurry to be like them. Whether it is called car, building or jets, they are transient. 1 Timothy 6; 8 says, ‘having food and garments, let us be content’. The only thing that defines a prosperous man is food and cloth. With the ability to feed and clothe yourself, you are fine. Luke 12; 15 says, ‘a man’s life does not consist of the abundance of the things that he possesses. Some are feeling as though God has abandoned them. When they look at their mates, they feel that God has abandoned them, they are judging by the world’s system and world’s standard. Listen, you may not be where you ought to be but you’re not where you used to be. God has done something for you; so, do not judge yourself by man’s standard. Don’t be in a hurry. Stay calm, stay cool, and stay calculated. Very soon, what God has ordained for your life will come into your hands.”

Calm Down, Life Is Turn By Turn
“Life gives you options, you make decisions. You are not a prostitute because you are suffering. You are a prostitute because you want to prostitute. You are not a Yahoo boy because your family is suffering; you are a Yahoo boy because you’re in a hurry to make money. In your 20s and early 30s you want to buy aircraft, you want to buy houses; that is why you’re doing what you’re doing. Sometimes, we blame the society. In that same society, some people are managing their lives. In that same society, some people are managing and taking their lives one step at a time. It is better to be slow and sure than to be fast and fall. Sometimes, shortcut is the longest cut. Don’t let somebody tell you that they are into what they are into because their family is suffering. There are people whose families suffer more than your family and yet they maintain their decency. Don’t tell me that you’re doing money ritual because your family is suffering. You’re into money ritual because you want to live in Banana Island. You are into money ritual because you want to have vacation in America. You do what you do not because you’re suffering but because you’re in a hurry. If only you can calm down, you will understand that life is turn by turn.”

Avoid A Man That Does Not Dream
“Associate yourself with people that can understand you and people that think what you’re thinking. Move with people that can help you. Look at Joseph; the enemy of a dreamer is a man that does not dream. A man would sleep and wake up and see nothing and his fellow would sleep and have a dream. The fellow that had a dream, he is in trouble. Others would say a pastor whose ministry is growing must have buried a cow in the church to draw crowd; he is using charm, he using fake power bla… bla… Laughable. Somebody once told me that somebody’s church was growing because he buried cow in the church. I replied that ‘are you not ashamed? They buried Jesus Christ for three days for you, yet your church is not growing. Is cow more powerful than Jesus who was buried for your sake?’ I asked him to leave my presence. On that note, avoid a man who does not dream because he is enemy of a dreamer.”

Know That Life Is A Battle
“Any destiny that is not fought against is not worth imagining. Any future that is not challenged should not be desired. Every great destiny is surrounded by battles. You must get to a point where you understand that life is battle. Hear me, lady; fine face alone cannot give you a husband, cat walking cannot give you a man. Make-up; layer one, layer two, layer three… cannot give you a man. You will catwalk and catwalk and your waist will almost break, no man may look at you. You’d make up and make up and be looking like ‘mgbeke’, yet nobody will look at you. You will make up and put different crayons as if you are working in the department of fine and applied arts, yet nobody is looking at your face. You will make your hair and it’s down to your waist like mammy water, and yet nobody cares. And if you like as a man, put your trousers on your waist like a headmaster or a civil servant and go for job interview; that’s not what will bring a job. ‘Charm is deceitful, beauty is vain. But a lady that fears the Lord, she shall be praised’ (Proverbs 31; 30).

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