Written by Wisdom Nwedene
With tears of joy I read how 39 year-old Emmanuel Macron won the French presidential election peaceful. Three projections, issued within
minutes of polling stations closing at 8 p.m. (2 p.m. ET), showed Macronbeating his opponent, Le Pen by around 65 percent to 35 – a gap wider than the 20 or so percentage points that pre-election surveys had pointed to.
It’s time for the youths to Stand up and take the leadership of this country like Emmanuel Macron did. They can achieve this by being a good example, showing the qualities of a good leader to the masses who will vote them into power.
They should stop waiting for tomorrow because tomorrow will never come so far they are in Nigeria because the old leaders we have in this country will never give them a chance to rule. Every day by day, they are the leaders of tomorrow. If there is still a chance for Obasanjo to contest for an election in this country, believe me he will still contest.
Youths be that leader of tomorrow ” today ”
Some are critizing the young man because he married his high-school teacher, abeg who marrying someone of your age mate help? Mercy Aigbe and his husband wey dem dey? Tonto Dikeh and his husband wey dem dey?
Love is matter of understanding each other and not because you just want to showoff like most celebrities do and at the end, they will divorce. The young man knows what he wants in a man not what people want. Fall in love with the right woman or man and see your marriage last.
Youths don’t wait to be the leaders of tomorrow, so far you are in Nigeria, tomorrow will never come. Start now!! Begin now!!