Big Brother Naija star, Tokunbo Idowu, popularly known as ‘Tboss’ has revealed plans to begin a career in acting as well as hosting a radio show which she hopes to develop into television.”
According to her, she is currently gathering content for the show, attending a couple of auditions and she has received a lot of scripts which she has been screening.
The former BBN housemate said this on Channels Television, while sharing her experience in the house as well as outside the house, since the show came to an end.
“I am overwhelmed, completely overwhelmed.” According to her, there has been so much love and she would rather focus on the love, rather than on any form of hate.
Reacting to the issue of an alleged sexual harassment by Kemen, a former housemate who was later disqualified from the show following the incident, TBoss expressed utter disappointment, adding that the decision by Big Brother was the best option.
“I considered Kemen a friend. He was my go-to guy and my buddy, he encouraged me, he motivated me and he pushed me to mingle more with people especially at times when I didn’t feel like I fit in. So, for what happened to have happened, and just knowing all the people that look up to me, it was sad.”
“I was angry, humiliated and I did feel violated but, I don’t play the victim card and I honestly feel that the decision that Big Brother took, was the only Decision that could have been taken.”
The ‘See Gobe’ edition second runner up, who was asleep in the same bed with Kemen, when the said assault occurred, stated that she was unaware of any such thing until Big Brother called her attention to it the following day hence; she did not assent to it and whatever happened was not mutual, as initially suggested by Kemen.
She also stated that initially, her reaction to Kemen would have been to slap him if she had her way, but on getting out of the house, she realised that anyone could make mistakes, especially as she considers herself an attractive person.
However, she equally expressed displeasure over the fact that according to her, Kemen has been granting several interviews in which he has been making contradictory statements.
Also reacting to an article titled ‘Big Brother Naija – Television As Madness’, written by a renowned Journalist, and a former Special Adviser to the Nigerian President, Mr Reuben Abati, who specifically body-shamed Tboss, she described it as sad and unfortunate, especially coming from a man of such caliber.
The Big Brother star, has however chosen to remain on the brighter side of things and embrace all the love she gets from the ‘Boss Nation’, as her fans are fondly called.”